Art historian, Dr. Phil.

Art historian, Dr. Phil. University of Zürich. Professor Rudolf Preimesberger supervised her dissertation: Sankt Georg: Drachenkampf in der Renaissance – Carpaccio, Raffael, Leonardo.

Areas of specialities are the Italian Renaissance, the 15th and 16th centuries, with focus on paintings, drawings and the minor arts – medals – from Northern Italy, Venice and the Veneto. Artists of research include Pisanello and Matteo de’ Pasti, Carpaccio, Cima da Conegliano, Jacopo and Giovanni Bellini, Antonio Vivarini and the Council of Ferrara/Florence 1438-39.
Curriculum vitae

Current Research

  • Vittore Carpaccio
  • Andrea Mantegna and Giovanni Bellini
  • The Florence/Ferrara Council of 1438-39 and the Greeks in Italy or Greek influence on Italian art


Pisanello, Emperor John VIII. Palaiologus, Medal, 1438

  • Matteo de Pasti as Book illuminator
  • The art of the Quattrocento in general

Recent Publications


Observations on Carpaccio’s Underdrawings‘, Actes of the Conference Fondazione Cini, ed. by Peter Humfrey, Venice 2023.

Pisanello, Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, DeGruyter Berlin

Image and Inscription: Pisanello's Palaiologos Medal, in: Renaissance Portraiture: Identity in Written Words, a cura di Eveline Baseggio and Sarah Blake McHam, Actes of the RSA conference Washington 2012


2023 'Die Künstlerbeziehung Andrea Mantegna und Giovanni Bellini', in: Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V., Jahrbuch 2019/2020, hrsg. von Martin Heger, Berlin 2023, pp. 9-27.

 Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V., Jahrbuch 2019/2020

2023 Cat. 1: Jacopo Bellini, Cat. 15, 19: Giovanni Bellini, Cat. 34: Cima da Conegliano, in: Giovanni Bellini. Influences croiseées, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris 2023, pp. 63, 97, 107, 138.

2022 ‚Grußwort‘, in: Donatello. Erfinder der Renaissance, hrsg. von Neville Rowley, Kat. Ausst. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 2022, p. 13.

2022 '125 Jahre Erwerbungen durch den Kaiser Friedrich Museumsverein', in: Die Schätze. 125 Jahre Kaiser Friedrich Museumsverein, Michael Imhof Petersberg 2022, pp. 8-10.

2018 Bellini, Mantegna, Masterpieces face-to-face, The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Catalogue Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice, ed. by Brigit Blass-Simmen, Neville Rowley, Giovanni C.F. Villa, Cinisella Balsamo (Milan): Silvana 2018

2018 Bellini, Mantegna: Capolavori a confronto, La Presentazione al Tempio, Catalogo della mostra Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venezia, a cura di Brigit Blass-Simmen, Neville Rowley, Giovanni C.F. Villa, Cinisella Balsamo (Milano): Silvana 2018

2018 Bellini, Mantegna, Masterpieces face-to-face, The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Catalogue Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice, ed. by Brigit Blass-Simmen, Neville Rowley, Giovanni C.F. Villa, Cinisella Balsamo (Milan): Silvana 2018

2017 Padua and Venice. Transcultural exchange in the early modern age, ed. by Brigit Blass-Simmen and Stefan Weppelmann, Contact Zones Vol.4, Berlin: De Gruyter (Actes RSA conference Berlin 2015)

Venedig und Padua sind Nachbarstädte

Venice and Padua are neighboring cities with a topographical and geopolitical distinction. Venice is a port city in the Venetian Lagoon, which opened up towards Byzantium and the East. Padua on the mainland was founded in Roman times and is a university city, a place of Humanism and antiquarianism. The contributions analyze works of art as aesthetic formulations of their places of origin, which however also have an effect on and expand their surroundings. International experts investigate how these two different concepts stimulated each other, and how the exchange worked.

  • Works of art as an expression element of their places of origin
  • Files of the Padua and Venice sections on the occasion of the congress of the interdisciplinary Renaissance Society of America
  • With contributions from international experts such as Sarah Blake McHam, Beverly Louise Brown, Debra Pincus and Giovanni F. Villa

Qualche lontani, Distance and Transcendence in the Art of Giovanni Bellini, in: Examining Giovanni Bellini: An Art "More Human and More Divine" , ed. by Carolyn Wilson, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 77-91

2015 Wer von der Welt nicht vergessen...
Die Entstehung der Porträt-Medaille als ein neues Medium und das frühe Bildnis in der italienischen Malerei, in: Technische Innovationen und künstlerisches Wissen in der frühen Neuzeit, hrsg. von Magdalena Bushart, Henrike Haug, Köln u.a.,
Böhlau 2015, pp. 67-86

2013 ‘The Medal's Contract. On the Emergence of the Portrait Medal in the Quattrocento‘, in: Inventing Faces. Rhetorics of Portraiture between Renaissance and Modernism, Gemäldegalerie SMB and Zentrum for Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag 2013, pp. 29-43.

archive publications




Büchpräsentation: Padua_and_Venice

Bookpresentation Padua and Venice
Michael Eissenhauer, accompanying programme to the exhibition „Mantegna und Bellini. Meister der Renaissance“, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, June 2019


Bellini / Montegra, Venice
Querini Stampalia 2018

The President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, has decorated the exhibition with his medal.

Ausstellung Bellini / Mantegna

Ausstellung Bellini / Mantegna

Exhibition Bellini / Mantegna
mise-en-scéne Mario Botta


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Executive member

Kaiser Friedrich Museumsverein KFMV

• president since 2021 •
• vice president since 2017 •
• member of the board since 2011 •

Association in memory of Johanna und Eduard Arnhold
• assessor •

Stiftung Sammlung Dieter Scharf zur Erinnerung an Otto Gerstenberg

Member of the Committee of experts of National Cultural Heritage Protection (Berlin)


Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
ICOM Deutschland
The Renaissance Society of America (RSA)
Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft zu Berlin
Kaiser Friedrich-Museums-Verein, Berlin

Recent interviews

Podcast Kaiser Friedrich Museumsverein

Podcast Verein der Freunde der Nationalgalerie (Stoberkreis)
Folge 37

Faszinierende Welt der Alten Meister, in: Diskurs. Das Magazin der Weberbank 34, 2/2021 (mit Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meyer und Christina Wüstling)